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Sunday 28 October 2012

Adventures in cheese making!

I have always thought that making cheese would be very hard to do, but I have come across a way to make a nice riccotta style cheese that is cheap and easy to do. Now this isn't anything new, many people would have been doing this over the years but this is my first foray into cheesemaking. First off, I made my own yogurt - which I described in my previous post here  then I took a tea towel and put it over a bowl. I then poured my yogurt into the tea towel and pulled the edges together and tied it up with a rubber band. You then put it into the fridge over night in a container so that the container catches the whey. Save the whey in a jar as you can add that to preserves to extend shelf life and drinks/cooking for a healthy gut. Here is what I ended up with.
 It wasn't too sour and it had a very creamy texture - overall, I loved it! In fact, I loved it so much I made more last night. It is in the fridge doing it's thing as I type. Last night's dinner was home made pizza and I sprinkled some of my cheese onto my pizza. The cheese kept it's shape nicely and tasted fantastic.
Today I will be making a cheesecake and also raviolli filling with the cheese I made last night. The raviolli filling recipe was given to me by a friend and I can't wait to try it. I will post about both when I have done them.

1 comment:

  1. Just for the record, that "yoghurt cheese" is a classic Lebanese thing. They call it "Labneh". I make it myself when I get a batch of yoghurt on. Works well with both sweet & savoury tucker. It's just as at home on crackers with relish/chutney as it is spread on rich fruit sourdough. It's utterly phenomenal for topping a hot plum pudding....


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